Riga Ratings

Riga, Latvia is a beautiful city and a wonderful place to live, work, do business, visit and explore. Riga Ratings is a central location to get honest ratings of Riga’s businesses and services to help you enjoy visiting, working, doing business or living in Riga.

Riga Ratings will also include businesses in the vicinity of Riga including the Jurmala and Cesis areas.

My ratings are based on Western Euart deco riga purple by Jon Shoreropean and North American standards. Prices are noted in Euros and sometimes in US Dollars, UK Pounds for comparisons.

For quick ratings I use a 1-10 scale. 10 being fantastic and 1 being really terrible. 10’s are very rare. There are only a few restaurants I have ever been to in the world that I would rate a 10. I have never experienced a 10 hotel even if it had a 5 star rating.

Businesses are rated only on my personal experience. If I have not been there I do not list it here. I also do not accept advertising from any businesses that might be rated. I do not inform businesses that I am rating them. Also, if the quality of a business should go up or down on subsequent visits I will add that to their page. riga latvia art deco by Jon Shore

This website is created for two primary purposes. First is to provide you with honest ratings of Riga area businesses. Second is to offer businesses honest critiques so that they can improve and thereby improve their business, their revenues and Latvian business in general.

I love Latvia and want it to be the best that it can be. I want everyone who visits this country to enjoy themselves and to want to return again and again.

You can also add your comments and ratings to ours if you like.

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